09 July 2007


Well, wat a day! All over the world, surely lots of couple will choose to get married on this day. Particularly for the guy - no reason to forget the date of the anniversary! I think I should get married around 11.11.11 or 12.12.12 ... can't see myself getting married in the next 3 years! But who knows ....

My sister Stephanie was so serious 'informing' me that Fabian is getting engage on 07.07.07! I was like: 'Really? how come i was never informed?' Then she continued on ... Fabian n Jocelyn will get married on 08.08.08 .... then she continued, that they will get the 1st child on 09.09.09 and their second one on 10.10.10! Then I knew, i was tricked! Nevertheless, can't wait to join Fabian and Jocelyn's wedding next year! At least I won't be pressurized that much after that (or will the pressure get even bigger??)

As a church, we had a prayer meeting in the ministry house to pray for the city of London. It was very powerful, that our prayers must have the effect of 'touching heaven, changing earth and storming the hell'! We worshipped and prayed for about 1 hour ... then Ps. PK led 12 people to have a prayer walk around London. Unfortunately, i did not join, because I was preparing for my preaching at Hope Church Ealing later that day!

I was so blessed everytime to visit Hope Church Ealing to preach there! I always told people that, although now they have about 20 people in attendance (including 5-7 children); when they chair, when they lead worship - they are doing it as if there are 50+ people in the service. Very very encouraging! I am glad i'm part of them - witnessing their faith, perseverance putting into action! Surely God sees their hearts and really soon, the church will multiply!

Will preach in Hope London on 29 Aug! Bigger congregation - a bit more nervous! But I'm sure i'll be fine! :D

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